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Social benefit in a sentence

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Sentence count:46Posted:2018-04-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: marginal benefitsbeneficialbeneficiallybe beneficial tomutually beneficialbenefitbenefit fromdeath benefit
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1. Such reduced absenteeism is a social benefit in that it reduces public expenditure through the statutory sick-pay scheme.
2. Thus, beyond a certain point the marginal social benefit of further risk reduction will exceed the marginal social cost.
3. Expanding output would add more to social benefit than to social cost.
4. There is, therefore(, no general social benefit from inflation.
5. Social benefit: release urban transportation pressure of logistics; increase benefits of scale logistic management.
6. For ecological benefit and social benefit, it also makes theoretical analysis and empirical analysis.
7. This makes efficiency engineer, increase economic benefits and social benefit to have very important sense.
8. Provide at least some social benefit for food and medical cares.
9. HBT has made better economic benefits and social benefit in the actual application.
10. The library aims at its social benefit and pursues the lowest cost of the unit profit. The economic analysis shows that increasing invest in library service is feasible and necessary.
11. Equilibrium will be inefficient. 7 Distortions occur whenever free market equilibrium does not equate marginal social cost and marginal social benefit.
12. But when films are taxed we have just seen that the marginal social benefit of another film exceeds its marginal cost.
13. It is thought that therapeutic operations provide such a social benefit by the psychological benefit.
14. By reducing the output of chemicals society would save more in social cost than it would lose in social benefit.
15. The capital stock should be increased if the marginal social benefit exceeds the long-run marginal cost inclusive of the capital charge.
16. There is a case for government intervention to make sure marginal social cost and marginal social benefit are equated.
17. With varied high quality service, they obtain great economic and social benefit.
18. This paper introduces the structure and economic benefit of the electric boiler heat reservoir, points out the obvious economic and social benefit of this technology.
19. Whether agrotechnique innovation is successful lies in whether it was applied into agriculture and producing economic benefit, social benefit, ecological benefit or integrate benefit.
20. To reduce blast furnace gas(BFG) emission and to save energy sources, BFGfired boiler was researched and applied, receiving good economic and social benefit.
21. Leprosy disease rehabilitation works already necessary, feasible, have apparent social benefit and economic benefits.
22. By way of marketing method and finding service orientation, to realize the social benefit and the lowest cost of the unit profit in library.
23. Highway is a public project which needs great investment and brings great social benefit.
24. Second, it evaluates the social value of contract breach from this aspect: the social benefit.
25. The development of production of sugar sorghum can effectively relieve the energy crisis, producing higher economic and social benefit.
26. Application of nitrogen truck in Tuha Oilfield has obtained good economic benefit and social benefit.
27. Fuqiang Coal Mine adopts mining full height actual process by adding the length of single prop once has made obvious economic and social benefit.
28. DE YOU Brand Rotating Hooks will bring you great economic and social benefit.
29. Those improve medical quality and machine life, and also improve financial and social benefit.
30. Agricultural development should be focussed on the increase of economic benefit which is to be coincident with ecological and social benefit.
More similar words: marginal benefitsbeneficialbeneficiallybe beneficial tomutually beneficialbenefitbenefit fromdeath benefitwelfare benefitsfringe benefitsfringe benefitfor the benefit ofbeneficiaryemployee benefitseconomic benefitsickness benefitbenefit principlecost-benefit ratiobeneficiationdisability benefitbenefit-cost analysiscost-benefit analysisunemployment benefitbeneficbeneficebeneficentbeneficencesocialasocialsocially
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